C Ode C Ity
The analysis of large-scale software is difficult in the absence of supporting tools, due to the sheer size and complexity of today’s systems. We present CODECITY, a language-independent interactive 3D visualization tool for the analysis of large object-oriented software systems. Using a city metaphor, it depicts classes as buildings and packages as districts of a “software city”. We start presenting the tool in the context of its integration in our tool chain and gradually increase the level of detail, by continuing with the system’s architecture and ending with a peek into one of its main class hierarchies. We apply our tool on a set of Java, C++, and Smalltalk systems and discuss tool-related issues.
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Áååë Ì Blockinòò Blockin Blockinð Êêôóöø ¾¼¼¾¹¿¾ Ùùù×ø ¾¼¼¾
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